Contacts and the Projects Tab


When project functionality is enabled for a workspace, a user's contact document plays a key role in determining access rights to documents associated with projects.

You can restrict a contact's access to documents that are linked to projects by selecting an option on the contact document's Project tab. On the same Project tab, you can also link the contact to specific projects. With project linking restrictions in effect, this linking relationship determines which documents the contact can access.

On a user's contact document, two sections at the top of the Projects tab influence project security and document access permissions for the user:

Restrict to Projects

In this section, you can choose to apply an additional layer of security permissions that restricts the contact's access to documents related to projects.


  • This section is only available to users with Update permissions set for Accounts - Project Access in Workspace (Managed) permissions. This section is unavailable for contacts without an account or for users with integration accounts. For more information, see "About Project Security Permissions".

Linked Projects

In this section, you can optionally choose to link the contact to one or more projects. You can link the contact to all projects within a workspace, or specific projects that are explicitly listed in the grid at the bottom of the section.

The grid displays the following columns:

The following table summarizes the actions available in the Linked Projects section. These actions are determined by the permissions in your security role.

From the Projects tab, you can... Click

Create a new link to an existing project.


Delete an existing link to a project.


For more information about creating links to projects, see Adding Project Links to Contacts.


  • You can only add project links to a contact if the company associated with the contact also has the same project links. Before adding any new project links for the contact, ensure that the project link already is listed on the related company's Project tab.


To view a comprehensive list of all projects linked to the current contact, use a customized view in the Contacts register:

ClosedTo view a list of all linked projects using the Contacts register

  1. Open the Contacts register. From the Views drop-down, select Manage Views, then click Apply.
  2. The views defined for the register appears.
  3. Click New.
  4. The General tab appears.
  5. In the Name field, type Projects View.
  6. From the Type Options drop-down list, select whether the view is a Personal or Shared view. For more information on view types, see "About Register Views".
  7. Click the Columns tab.
  8. On the Columns tab, in the left column, select Project GUID.
  9. Click the Right Arrow The right arrow..
  10. The Project GUID item appears in the right-hand pane.

  11. If you want the column heading to appear further to the left on the register, click the Up Arrow The up arrow. until the column heading is in the correct position relative to the other columns.
  12. — or —

    If you want the column heading to appear further to the right on the register, click the Down Arrow The down arrow..

  13. From the left column, add any other columns to display in the view.
  14. Click Save.
  15. The Project View is added to the list of register views in the Register View dialog.

  16. Select the Project View.
  17. Click Apply.
  18. The Contact register is updated to list all Project links for each Contact document.